Neptune's Pots
It was only a matter of time before these tiny pots came into my life!
I was looking through a bag full of rope that I'd found on the beach and another bag that a dear friend had given me. It had been washed and dried and was full of the most beautiful colours, pale peaches, sunset yellows, torquoise, sea greens and deep blues. The lengths were long, perfect for working with. I stripped a length of rope down to a thin section, unravelling it as I went. I found long lengths of monofilament through the centre of another length of rope. I knew I'd have a large darning needle in my sewing box and then it began. A small pot started to take shape in my hands. I was surprised how natural it felt, like I was meant to do this. Seeing the shape grow naturally in my hands was magical. Lots of tiny, perfectly formed but organic pots started to fill my window ledge.ย The process was addictive.ย
Taking something from a beach where it could do harm and turning it into a conversation starting item has been part of my life for such a long time now, over 10 years! These little pots, Neptune's Pots I call them are my next steps to evolve into a new area of creativity.ย
Wish me luck!